The Cedar School has successfully integrated technology into classrooms to support teaching and learning. Each classroom features a state-of-the-art technology setup which includes a laptop for teachers, an Apple Airplay, projector and sound system. Campus wide WiFi ensures that students and teachers have complete and uninterrupted access to knowledge and learning tools. Our smart campuses foster an innovative and comprehensive learning environment for students. In addition to the educational technology hardware on our campuses we have also integrated a number of EdTech platforms into our curriculum and instructional methodologies.

SIS (Student Information System)

SIS is a fully integrated online grading, attendance, and school administration system. We have been using SIS at The Cedar School since 2019 to monitor student attendance, maintain student profiles and help teachers keep track of class schedules. It also allows for greater parent engagement. Using the simple tools provided on this platform parents can be plugged in to their child’s performance at school. They can easily log in to access their child’s account and keep track of their child’s progress and attendance in classes.

IXL Learning App

IXL was implemented at The Cedar School in November 2019. Our students have been using IXL at school and at home since the past 9 months. IXL has spent more than 10 years building a comprehensive curriculum, and with 8,000+ skills, that can support nearly any learning need from pre-K to 12th grade. The extensive content library has the right skills to support students and guide them toward mastery at their own pace. For any grade level, any lesson, teachers can turn to IXL for the content they need to help their students.


Information on IXL is always-up-to-date and it creates precise, personalised action plans for every student so it does not feel like a traditional test, making it a safe, low-pressure experience for students.


We have integrated Kognity into our curriculum for IGCSE. “Kognity” is an e-books platform with engaging and interactive learning content catering to the IGCSE curriculum.


Kognity carries digital textbooks for all of our offered IGCSE subjects along with other curriculum aligned content such as interactive graphs, videos and 3D models. These tools allow access to up-to-date content and keep student engagement high.


Kognity is a platform that carries a robust assessment toolkit for teachers and provides self-assessment tools for students. Kognity is a valuable addition to our Edtech portfolio and is an example of how The Cedar School prioritizes empowering students and teachers.